How the Office Environment Affects Employee Performance

The environment an employee is in can have a large impact on their performance levels. The average business conforms to the usual formal office environment: desks, chairs, and computers. This provides a very dull environment that can in some circumstances prohibit creative thought. So how can this be improved?

Office Temperature

Room temperature can have a profound affect on an individual’s performance. It is recommended that a cooler air temperature is to be maintained, as this increases brain efficiency and delays fatigue. A hot environment will cause the body to start to shut down to prevent overheating, making it increasing difficult to maintain concentration. Don’t try to save on the air conditioning in summer and overdo it with the heating in winter!

Creative Inspiration: Aesthetics

One of the most creative industries is the marketing and advertising sector. Visit the office of such a business and you will see an array of rooms all with their own themes filled with art, toys, gadgets, technology, music, literature, you name it, they got it. The more items you can cram into an office the faster your employees will be shouting creative ideas. This is because the objects and images act as a stimulus, bringing up memories, emotions, and experiences.

While some businesses cant afford to have such a wild office environment, why not at least provide plenty of paintings, pictures, and decorations.

Drinks, Snacks, and Breaks

Providing drinks and even more importantly snacks will allow your employees to maintain a constant energy level throughout the day. Encouraging healthy snacking every 2 – 3 hours will reduce fatigue and encourage short breaks. Many businesses understand the importance of employees taking short breaks to aid their concentration, however often they have a hard time enforcing it, especially as employees would rather get their assignments completed as soon as possible without being disturbed. Introducing snacks will give them the catalyst needed to let themselves take that all-important break.

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